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Unlucky viewers assault

battle was in full swing. Before me and then heard cries, the clash of swords and sticks arrows thud. Sometimes ran past the crowd of heroes. First towards the castle, and then, after a while, back. I could see only part of the field in front of goal. It is seen as an alliance of clans fighting off the dark and the crowds scattered singles.
  Several times I tried to crawl away from the clearing in front of the castle, but every movement echoed hellish pain in the wound on his stomach. One time I saw a female cleric, standing at a safe distance. Dark. Now I was not the case before. After waiting for the moment when she looks at me, I mouthed to ask for help. She knew the answer but only shook her head apologetically. Maybe she wanted to help me, but she come to me, it would have suffered the same fate.
  I could only watch. Pain I felt. As the entire body below the wound.
  I heard the sweet laughter, and a moment later saw the Elven Ranger, zippered chest Arena. Yes this is their leader himself! Several times he ran up almost to the gates, blew a few arrows, always finding the target; then several mercs, templars and edelweiss fell on the grass, clutching the wound; then ran away from throwing him Ranger alliance with the same melodic laugh. Then came briefly to the affected magicians and those rose again ready to fight.
  All the same, it was strange. In the alliance was not a single golem. How they were going to tear down the gate?
  In the morning, stirred the whole of Aden: the Alliance is going to storm the castle of Giran. Talked about it all. Someone wanted to help the defenders. Particularly curious just wanted to see ...
  I think I have still broken in the spine. I tried to move my legs, but they did not listen to me. On the abdomen gaping laceration, charred at the edges. For me, it was clear that by the end I did not fight to survive. Oh, gods! How do offensively die at the hands of the Templar!
  I closed my eyes again, I saw this picture: dark run alliance pursues them. Ahead of course ranger. I watch as they run past me. I see one of them with emblem Templar nock, intending to hit the magic, not boom. At the last moment, I realized that its bow pointing at me ...
  What is the difference between light and darkness? This question did not come out of my head. I never saw anything bad from the Arena and from Templar ...
  All the same, I tried to crawl away, acting alone hands. Turned out badly, but I did not give up.
  I immediately noticed that all the participants in the battle dropped weapons. The castle is not taken. I passed by the members of the alliance, and I heard snatches of conversation
  - ... threw a trial balloon ...
  - ... now we know how ...
  -What are you doing here? Who are you so?
  I raised my head. Above me was a prophet Templars. Once, when I greeted him, he looked at me and added me strength. Passing.
  -Lie still. Do not move.
  Removing long hair from his forehead, he began to make strenuous passes hands. I felt wild pain and cried, unable to stand.
  -I know, it hurts. But you still damaged spine. One-and-a-ak ... all get up. Who is it you?
  I did not answer. I do not know why. Just getting up, pointed at the young lad-man lying beside. Another unfortunate viewer.
  -He also help.
  The Prophet came and felt his pulse. Then lightly squeezed eyeball. Shook his head.
  -Here I am powerless.
  Boy lying with his head towards the castle. Arrow sticking out of his chest. As if it was the handiwork of the dark when the next raid on the besiegers. And, even though deep down I knew that was not dark meaning to attack anyone not a member of the alliance; I'd like to think that it made ??the dark. I really wanted to ...

© Skeeph

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