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Way elven scout

Here it is. School Elf Scouts. Preodalevaya timidity, I went there. A small dark room. Bored man sitting in a chair. People? Scouts teach people? It was strange and unnatural.
  -Want to be a scout, boy? - Asked Houma.
  What I told him baby? Not the second day in the world to live!
  -Come to the woman. To enter here need her recommendation.
  Just now I saw sitting in the corner of a warrior ... warrior. Village in the shade so that you will not see it and immediately. Mother.
  -Need a recommendation? And why would I give it to you? - She said. In her voice light falsehood - well, that's what we'll do. You poyzhesh to the guard at the eastern gate ...
  All the way to obtain the recommendation seemed to me a solid basswood. First Guard, encased in armor, said, looking away to the side that cares for his friend ... Four bodies Mahum ... scraps four letters. Two maloholnye Mahum protecting this most other. I always thought that people fake that it is a ritual.
  Although, what do I care? I have a recommendation wizard, and as soon as I turn 20, I'll scout.
  Well that, kid? Or you're not the kid? - Asked me all the same person, when I walked into the school building - took out a recommendation. Well, congratulations, you are now a scout.
  -Come on, I'll give you the first lessons - the woman said. As I had not seen her again? - Then will come gradually improve skills.
  She pointed to the door from behind which came the rare sounds that are typical of arrows stuck in a tree.
  I ran, still not believing his luck. I - Scout! Forewoman baggage with me all day. What I had not thought about it, but she knew his business. My head was buzzing from the knowledge gained. I was eager to try out the newly acquired skills.
  That's it. Skeletal Archer. Such full near Gludio.
  We all elves - a little magicians. Naturally, if you do not learn specifically, in the magical duel not dwell even against the orc shaman. But in the battle magic warriors can render a good service.
  I picked up the bow, concentrating power. Shot, as if there was a boom. The flow of energy hit the skeleton. Before he had time to die a few times to shoot me.
  -I shoot you! Dodge!
  -Are you crazy!
  -If we have here is a staff cleric! Dodge, watch my hand. Imagine where the fly boom.
  All three arrows shot skeleton stuck into where I stood for a moment before. Do not forget to tear off his forearm, I went on.
  Bears. Reservoir. As they drove me when I was younger. Now win.
  -Look, it's not difficult. Keep your hands like this, and flight-shot will be doubled.
  The arrow pierced the bear in the eye, and he fell heavily on the grass. His three companions at first did not understand where they come from death. Then he noticed me and flew with the clear intention to dine. I ran, thinking that does not have time to deal with three. Especially, I wanted to play with them. I ran to the edge of the cliff.
  -It's too high!
  -Just when landing, kuvyrknis over his shoulder to snub. Careful, do not hand vyvihni. If you have time, you can perform somersaults. This is to reduce the rate of fall.
  I jumped in the face bears. Jumped up from the ground and shot an arrow at random. Seems to hit, judging by the roar of one of them. Bears flew a circuitous route. Wow, what Thrust! Well, there's a river.
  -Before you dive into the water several times a deep breath and exhale. Dial a deep breath and dive. Can you survive under water longer. Do not forget about the cargo. You elves are hanging out on the surface, as floats.
  when the bear finally left, I jumped out of the water like a cork, releasing the stone. Got to shore, and finally laughed heartily. These skills learned me a miracle. Of course, this is not the limit ...
  Now I would have a bow, as befits a scout. I looked at his forest. Unprepossessing in appearance, he served me long. Now I do not put it easily, not even straining. It can sell and buy a new one, adding nearly as much. I took the wallet. It seems to me a long time to go to the forest bow.
  My mood is somewhat spoiled.

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