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Computer: Xeon Core Quad 3.2 Ghz, 16 GB DDR3 ECC Raid 0
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Death mice ruins

I run with ease, leaping laughing and not paying attention to the wounds from the teeth and claws. Some, by the way, were deep enough. Me already accumulated a decent crowd of bats. Protruded from each of boom.
"Well, what you want to taste the blood elven? Chase first myshentsii "- I exclaimed, stopping. Just the same feeling of excitement and fun, covering me. I could easily get away, but it's not in my plans ... When the mice reduced the distance, I ran again, firing go all the new animals.
Here, at last, I see the seated figure and slightly accelerated. This - my partner. He sits and concentrates its strength.
"I angered them enough, take!" - I scream from afar.
He slowly gets up, stretches his stiff joints and makes easy a little careless movement in my direction. My wounds almost instantly tightened as if no one and did not bite me.
They do not like ... I do not like it when their help offenders ... The whole crowd, haunting me immediately selects a new goal.
I am going quietly to the side. Watch. Here is one of the mice, apparently changed his mind to attack the mage. Flies off to the side. Well, that, and found a job for me. With the power of nock, let go, boom beats mouse bleed. She falls and no longer moving. Look, I have not missed the main spectacle. My partner is worth focusing. After letting the pack close enough, makes another pass hands. This time not so casually. In the midst of the beasts flying fireball. Hitting the target, it explodes, incinerating everything. Flock falls to the ground as one mouse. Magician stands, looks at the matter, his hands, as if not believing that he did it.
-I can not get used to. Recently learned. Cool, right? - He says and sits down again.
I agree with him. I is not available, but I love to annoy the bats.
-Sit down and rest - I smile - and I will give more.
I'm running away, throwing his bow in search of goals. My heart is just perfect.

© Skeeph

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