Cronicle: C3
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Rates: 4x4x6x4
Computer: Xeon Core Quad 3.2 Ghz, 16 GB DDR3 ECC Raid 0
Variety divorces and deceptions with which you can meet in the game |
post a description of the various deceptions and divorce used by unscrupulous players. Information taken from the forum, here .
Divorce - when selling or buying - meaning the divorce is very simple, and there are 2 options:
- inattention can welcome the buyer when the transmission is put less money than is necessary (for example, instead of 300,000, put 300 adenomas) ...
- ask when selling weapons or throw money on the ground, arguing that the transfer does not work, because the game is not patched ...
Moral: Be ??careful not to throw the clothes in the sale and use TRANSMISSION (trade)
- Sometimes some individuals are trying to make you become a PC, and then kill and strip (with PC belongings tumbled more who did not know :)). This is achieved through all sorts of provocations and insults in your direction, forcing hit provocateur. Once you hit him, he immediately dies (the trouble) - and you PC (simple), and then suddenly out of nowhere poyavlyaetsa crowd dobrazhelateley dreaming cleanse the world of evil and injustice and kill you (maybe more than once) ...
Moral: do not give in to provocations, better let themselves become the PC, and then ask them exactly one thread will punish :)
As is known - weapons can be sharpened using scrolls ... A divorce is as follows, you fit a pepper and offers sharpen weapons for conditionally low price, offering fabulous povyenie its parameters (or not fabulous, rarely). For this he trebut give him arms and money to grind it, and when you do it immediately disappears ...
Moral: if u give the weapon sharpening, the current value of his bail in the store, but as sharpen, and for the work it is safe to pay ... 1-n roll grinds on weapons 1, and sell them with not less 30K (this is very deshego) ... so think for yourself - whether or not ...
- often offer to join a clan for the money to make permanent contributions or give clothes sharpening the leader of the clan, he handed them to his gnomes, give all the resources and other ...
But not all leaders responsible clans, some clans create specifically for profit, and then disband it ...
Moral: if you are not sure about the clan, to which you are invited, it is better not to join ... or join the clan to their friends or clan> 0 level of this clan belongings-for sin will dissolve someone though and just kick the can, but it is unlikely (reputation and all that) ...
- comes as anything on the market (usually the central square of the city), and there is a crowd, all something to buy and sell ... come up to the player and watch it a great stick for only sells 200K and another near the same player wants to buy for 250K, and think "about a miracle, and they did not notice each other ... it would be necessary to re-sell and earn money, as does the 50K" ... you buy you at first, not thinking wand and 2nd here as times and rises (sharply changed his mind to buy it) or just his money in your wallet just 10K (not enough and supposedly impossible to implement a package) - the trouble is, and stick that in the store just 150K worth ...
Moral: do not fall for the crazy adventures, and the price can first learn, and then you engage in commerce :)
- ever been to the thread in place of honest, well, it would be necessary ATP or ACAS (spirit shot and shot blezet spirit) to buy, and look, good gnome sits and sells those things, well, you approach you as always happened to him, stuff 500 buy, push trade, and he as much as they are cheaper than 5 adenomas are everywhere, well, you immediately and rapidly to the maximum digit input and "ok" batter ... Greed is she such a thing - if a freebie - it is necessary to quickly cut down .. . and he had them already had eight thousands (well, as usual, the gnomes who sell - they do a lot at once) - and you push all 8 tysh buy, the price is a cheap - only 20 adenomas for example ... and okazavyetsya that saucy gnome is only 20 Spiritshot 8 tysh each sold, and you kupivshis cheapness did not even notice that the numbers then (quantity and price) are located on the contrary ... So much for free then some shooting ... :)
Moral: be attentive to all, especially to what is sold ... :)
- you sit, relax after a rough leveling, restoring life ... Suddenly, you hear the cry of the whole district, "Help! Good People! Ubivayut!" and confused fireman rushes behind which together should be rather big locomotive of mobs. With brave cry: "I'm going to help!" you rush ahead, catch up locomotive and distract one of the mobs. At this point, the driver begins to cut circles around you and all the mobs are switched on you. Not even having to understand that mobs were much more than you imagined you are lying on the ground, staring eyes extinct in slowly drifting across the sky. But your disappointment about the lost experience - it's nothing next to you resting on the ground that the greatest sword, to which you have been amassed. Machinist same armor was probably much better than yours, mobs were hitting him for scratches. He quickly picks up the sword and runs in search of the next dupes .... that is for the next hero.
Moral: even drop rate things and not very big, but he is, so whereby their willingness and ability. Do not let his death, all the more that it may wish to those who you are "helping". span>
- lot of time you have been looking for an affordable price you a new weapon. And suddenly learn that a long-awaited sells pepper knife you for a very reasonable price. You start finding it a bargain. Man puts you desired item, you - the money, but for some reason, the window disappears and the deal is canceled. Dealer admits: "Damn, screwed up :) Pushed the wrong button ..." and the dialogue is resumed. He puts the item you - money, confirm the deal. Do you happiness! You bought dorogushchuju steep and so the desired thing! Let's see it in action ... What nonsense! This is not the knife, which was in the sale for the first time! And then you realize that you cheated. Seller second time put the knife with the same icon, but an order of magnitude worse, and the second time you look, whether it is the thing.
Moral: Be ??Careful! Always check what you are buying. Many items have different characteristics and names, but the picture looks exactly the same! span>
- you see sitting merchant inscription states that he sells a certain item, and the price is very low. You buy in order to resell it, and when you go to your inventory, you see, not only did not have the thing you bought, but your same favors either. The fact that tricky "dealer" is actually buying things, and you were led to the inscription.
There are several variants of this kidalovo. For example, when a person "sells" things for pennies, and the inscription says that he simply does not wish to play in LA.
Morale: Again, be careful, read what is written in the explanatory texts.
Divorce associated with a bug of the game - put goods on a very large value (several billion adena), a man who throws you fits and starts typing on certain items very large total cost. The entire cost is stored in a variable, for that variable has a type that is and the maximum size of a variable also strictly fixed. Diluting person knows the max. common size and selects the purchase price so that it is slightly boolshe this maximum value (or in the + 2 bit times - depending on whether or not an integral type). Further, this player makes a "buy" variable overflow occurs as a result it remains toko this little residue. Thus Diluting buys you things for this small price (only a few adena).
Moral: do not get fooled by offers of players that they have found a bug in which you together with this player will earn a lot of money. Especially for the use of bugs in order to enrich the game, you will find banks and possibly forever.
- If you received a letter in a personal forum or e-mail, or you have written in the game in a personal, allegedly from the administration server with a request to send them your username + password for some sort of validation (the reasons may be different) - would never allow it. Server administration NEVER need to know your login and password to check something related to your characters.
Moral: do not need to be conducted on various suspicious emails or messages from would-administration.
And remember - the administration server is not liable for lost you as a result of divorce or cheating things and / or experience. |