1. Technical issues:
1.1. How to start playing on the server?
1.2. I did as it is written in paragraph.1.1., but does not want to log...
1.3. When I enter the name and password and try to log - says that the account is already in use.
2. Game controls:
2.1. How to move?
2.2. Can I move with the keyboard?
2.3. How to attack mob?
2.4. Do everything as in paragraph.2.3. - not attacking.
2.5. How to open Invetory?
2.6. How to view information about things?
2.7. put / remove or use the thing?
2.8. How do I see my main options?
2.9. How to see what skills / magic I have already? (learned skills)
2.10. How to access the various actions (pick up items, attack, etc)?
2.11. How to organize a party?
2.12. How to access to "gestures" (greeting, waiting, victory etc.)?
2.13. How to access to system menu (settings, exit, etc.)?
2.14. How to use skills,magic by mob?
2.15. All this is good, but terribly inconvenient to delve into some menus, search skills, activity etc.
2.16. How to buy, teleport, take the quest etc.?
3. ×àò:
3.1. How to tell someting to the player which is located next to me?
3.2. Didi this like in paragraph 3.1., but for some reason the message is not white.
3.3. How to send a message to all?
3.4. How to send a private message?
3.5. Where is the best offer to buyin / sale?
3.6. I am a member of the party - how can I send message for them?
3.7. I am a member of the clan, how can I send message for my clanmates?
4. First time in the game:
4.1. This is my first time in the game. What should I do?
4.2. What is SP?
4.3. Why do we need Spellbook's?
4.4. HOw to scroll map?
4.5. I bought a map, but I do not understand where Dion and other cities that everyone talks about.
4.6. How to teleport?
4.7. Something happened - all around the white-blue ...
4.8. If I die, I lose something? Experience? Things?
4.9. What determines the chance to drop (some things) from me?
4.10. On what depends karma?
4.11. How to "become white" again?
1. Technical issues.
1.1. How to start play on the server?
Sign up òóò and download needfull ôàéëû.
Immediately after that you can play on a server that is entered in the registration form name and password.
[back to top] 1.2. I did as it is written in paragraph.1.1., but does not want to log
There are 2 options:
- Server for any reason is not currently running. Try to come back later when the server launch.
- This name is already someone uses - Try different.
[back to top] 1.3. When I enter the name and password and try to login - they tell me that the account is already in use.
Yes, sometimes it is happend if you got the wrong exit.Usually after 15-20 minutes is all right and you can login again.
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2. Game controls.
2.1. How to move?
To move to a particular point - click on the left mouse button. Character goes to the point if he does not detect any obstacles. [back to top]
2.2. Can I move with the keyboard?
Yes, with the arrows
Up / down - character will run forward / backward (relative to the camera view).
Left / right - turn the camera review to left / right.
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2.3. how to attack the mob?
You must select it at first, (pressing the left mouse button), and then pressing - to attack.
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2.4. Did everything as in paragraph.2.3. - doesn't attack.
Perhaps you tried to attack not agressive mob not worth the attack them. But for the force attack there is always a combination of CTRL + left mouse button.
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2.5. How to open Inventory?
Use TAB.
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2.6. How to view information about things?
Click once on it inventvre left mouse button. - window appears with a description and some parameters
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2.7. put / remove or use the thing?
Double-click on the left mouse button when the thing to be in the inventory / on you.
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2.8. How do I see my main settings?
Use Alt+T in game.
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2.9. How to see what skills / magic I have already?
Use Alt+K in game. There will be 2 Markers: Active & Passive.
Pasive - is that it is not necessary to apply,is not always present (possibly only in certain conditions)
Active - those skills and magic that must be applied manually every time. Before you can use them again - will take some time - they must be restored. this depends on the skill
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2.10. How to access the different actions (pick up items, attack, etc)?
Use Alt+C, The first group of icons - just what you need.
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2.11. How to make party?
Use Alt+C, Try experimenting with icons 2nd group.
[back to top]
2.12.How to access "gestures" (Greeting, waiting, victory etc.)?
Use Alt+C, Third group of icons - just what you need.
[back to top]
2.13. How to access the system menu (settings, exit, etc.)?
Use Alt+X in game.
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2.14. How to use skills/magic to mob?
Select it by pressing the left mouse button, then click on the icon skill / magic. Character will run up to the desired length and uses skill / magic.
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2.15. All this is good, but terribly inconvenient to to dig into some menus, search skills, actions, etc.
Each time it is not necessary - for this game there is a panel for quick action (a strip of empty slots (cells)) it may be horizontal and vertical - òthere you can put the thing, skill / magic action, in general, almost all of them for quick use.
Use by pressing the left mouse button - icon on the panel or keys F1-F10.
If you are missing cells - you can go to the next page and fill it (Alt+F1-F10 - to switch between pages).
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2.16. How to buy, teleport, take the quest etc?
Select the merchant, gatekeeper etc. - clicking the left mouse button. Pressing (again) to speak. Then Dialog box appears, where it will be allocated (in blue) a few items, which can be selected by pressing - thats you need.
[Back to top] 3. Chat.
3.1. How to tell something to the player which is located next to me?
Just enter your text in the console and press Enter. Appear over your head your message. And in the console you and all nearby players appears in white color your message. [back to top]
3.2. Did it like in paragraph.3.1., but for some reason the message is not white.
Perhaps you were not in the tab "All" of console - then your message may not reach the addressee or have heard some stranger. More detail below.
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3.3.How to send a message to all?
Put before him "!". This message is displayed in orange on the console.
The playing area is divided into zones and you hear those who will be in the same area with you.
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3.4. How to send a private message?
Write "who text
Example: you have to send message to the character Nick messages "hello"
write "Nick hello
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3.5. Where is the best offer to buying / sale?
Either on the forum or in the game there is a channel "Trade" - switch to it in the console or just put "+" before your message - it is displayed in pink.
Note: Do not write anything extra in the trade channel.
Note: The trade channel as a general chat ("!") Operates within the zone, so that effectively put an ad on the forum.
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3.6. I am in party, how can I send a messages to my party members?
Switch to the Party-channel or just put "#" before messages - they will be displayed in green.
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3.7.I'm in a clan, how can I send a message to clan mates?
Switch to the Clan-channel or just put "@" before messages - they will be displayed in blue.
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4. The first time in a game.
4.1. This is my first time in the game. What should I do?
Dress - you are given the initial equipment, not top class, but can help in the early days.
Not far from the place of appearance should inhabit weak mobs - Keltir's, Wolf's etc. when you pass further - you will find stronger mobs. Kill those mobs, whose level is about the same as you, until you get 5-th (for a warrior) or 7th (for a mage) levels.
Walk into town (also, too close) .. Find Master's and talk with him - select "Learn Skills" and depending on whom you exping - learn the necessary skills for which you have enough SP.
Find a magic shop - there you can buy a map (by this time you accumulate the required amount).
Instead of buying a map - you can take quest for her- one of the NPCs in your appearance-place ... Doing this quest takes very little time t will give you a map so necessary for normal orientation in the world.
Now you can guided with the world ...
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4.2. What is SP?
SP=Skill Points. For killing mobs you get not only experience, but also SP. SP you can spend to purchase any skill and for obtain some more things (for example: inclease level of your guild/clan).
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4.3. Why do we need Spellbook's?
To learn some magic will need to be in possession of appropriate spellbook. Ûimplest spellbuk's possible to buy in the store ... The rest will have to drop or acquire from players.
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4.4. how to scroll the map?
Turn it, click on the left mouse button, then drag and hold ... Map move around in the desired direction - so you can see what is in its farthest corner
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4.5. I bought the map, but I do not understand where Dion and other cities that everyone talks about.
The fact that part of the races appear in another world - Elmore and if you start there, then you bought a map of the world. You need to get more experience in Elmore, and after you collect a bit adena - you can use teleport to another part of world.
If you started a Human, you are in the main world, but on the island- does not necessarily to teleport from this Island - You can run along the bottom of the sea - while it will not hurt your health.
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4.6. How to teleport?
For this talk to the Gatekeeper... It will list where you can teleport and for how much. Gatekeeper's exist in all towns
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4.7. Something happened - all around the white-blue ...
You failed under the ground, restart can help you sometimes, or write to the forum topic: "Char problems" or write to GM.
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4.8. If I die, I lose something? Experience? Things?
You lose 7-10% experience with deleveling
There is a chance that you will lose from 1 to 2 x things. (theoretically possibly more, but the chance is low).
Well, and if you have a level below the 5th, you will not lose anything (Skill Lucky).
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4.9. What determines the chance of dropping things out of me?
Your karma, the higher it is, the greater the chance.
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4.10. On what depends karma?
Karma rises in the murder of good (white) players. And your nickname is red and city guards begin to chase you.
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4.11. How to become white again?
Need to kill a lot of monsters, or die a few times.